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List of Partners University in USA


Institution Valid Until Scope
Arizona State University 1. The development and execution of joint research projects dealing with geospatial analysis and computation; 2. The development and dissemination of appropriate training and software support materials; 3. The development and execution of joint teaching and training programs; 4. Joint software development; 5. Exchange of research scholars; 6. Exchange of graduate students.
Research Triangle Institute International (RTI) Review program opportunities and conduct research in the following: a. Topics or program related to climate change as may be jointly agreed; b. Topics or programs related to environmental sciences such as clean air, soil, water and energy; c. Topics or programs related to life sciences such as agricultural biotechnology and sustainability, ethnobotany and biodiversity
The Public Affairs Section of the US. Embassy Jakarta Public access information center (American Corner)
The College of Social Sciences University of Hawai’I at Mānoa April, 2017 Exchange of Students; Exchange of Scientific, Educational and Scholarly Materials; Exchange of Academic Personnel; Special Projects, Precondition of Adequate Funding; Effective Date; Choice of Law; Forum; Compliance with Immigration Laws and Regulations; Modification/Amendment
International Collaboration