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List of Partners University Australia


Institution Valid Until Scope
University of Canberra Exchange of research materials, publications and information; Organisation of joint conferences and seminars; Organisation of joint research programs; Exchange of students; Exchange of scholars; Exchange of administration and other university staff.
Daikin University (1) Academic staff collaboration in research, teaching and learning in areas of common intererest;
(2) General academic collaboration including the exchange of educational resource materials and publications that are of mutual in terest;
(3) Assesment of units for credit for prior learning for academic programs offered at each institution;
(4) Development and implementation or student mobility programs;
(5) Development and impkementation of staff exchange programs;
(6) Identification of special short-term academic programs and projects of mutual benefit to both institutions;
(7) Any other collaborative efforts the parties consider to be appropriate form time to time;
THE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE 24 October 2018 (a) Research collaboration and/or joint research projects, especially in, but not limited to, the fields of engineering, sustainability and cultural engagement; (b) Promotion and support of joint phD opportunities; (c) Exchange of academic staff; (d) Organisation of lectures and/or symposia; (e) Exchange of academic information or material; and/or (f) Co-development of student mobility opportunities.
International Collaboration