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Institution Valid Until Scope
Université Montpellier 2 Science et Techniques 27 March 2019 (a) The reciprocal exchange of : – students following academic course and/or interns – teaching and research staff – administrative and/or technical staff; (b) The implementation of joint research programs and/or of joint teaching programs; (c) The exchange of information relating to conferences, colloquies, seminars and scientific reunions held by each of the parties; (d) The Organization of any other form of cooperation that could be useful to the realisation of said objectives.
Jean Monnet University of Saint-Etienne April, 2017 a) Welcoming students for periods of education, training or research; b) Welconing professors and researchers for short or medium duration stays for common project topics; c) Facilitating participation in congresses, symposiums, or other events organised by either Parties;d) Encouraging joint guardianship for End of Studies Projects, Master’s Theses, and Doctoral Theses; e) Exchanging Theses and End of Studies Projects, as well as scientific publications within the appropriate domains of collaboration
Universite de Poitiers Trshold Effect and Financial System in Economic Development
Ecole Nationale Superieure de Chimie (ENSCM)
UNIVERSITE PARIS-EST 11 June 2019 Exchange of academic, Collaboration in research, Student exchange, Joint seminars, and Encourage the implementation of double degree programs both in Master and Doctoral level (co-advised PhD thesis)
International Collaboration