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PARE Program Information Session

Hokkaido University invites graduate students of ITB to join the PARE (Populations Activities Resources Environments) Program 2014. Further information regarding the program will be presented on: Day/date: Monday, 21 April 2014 Time: 10.00 – 12.00 Venue: Meeting Room A, International Relation Office ITB Jalan Ganesha No. 17, Bandung For you who are interested to join […]

Presentation from Hokkaido University, Japan

Delegations from Hokkaido University will visit ITB and held a presentation about their university on: Day/Date: Wednesday, 12 March 2014 Time: 15.00 – 17.00 WIB Venue: FTMD Seminar Room, FTMD 2nd floor, ITB, Jalan Ganesha No. 10, Bandung Testimony about study in Hokkaido University will be given by students of ITB who joined the exchange […]

Australian Education and Scholarships Info Session

Presentasi dan konsultasi dengan tema “Australian Education and Scholarships Info Session”. Kegiatan ini secara spesifik diwujudkan dalam: Informasi negara tujuan belajar serta jurusan yang tersedia bersama perwakilan dari Universitas di Australia yang bekerja sama dengan AUG Study, seperti : What are the benefits study in Australia? Coursework study Option – What  are the requirements? Research […]

AIMS Program Presentation from Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan

We invite students of ITB to join the AIMS program presentation from Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT), Japan. AIMS is an exchange program that provides scholarship. The presentation will be held on: Day/date: Tuesday, 28 January 2014 Time: 15.00 – 17.00 WIB Venue: Multimedia Room 9311, Labtek VI, ITB, Jalan Ganesha No. 10, […]

Biomedical Student Congress 20th

The International Student Congress of (bio)Medical Sciences. ISCOMS is one of the world’s leading biomedical student congresses held in the University Medical Centre in Groningen, The Netherlands. The 20th edition hosted 475 participants from 56 different countries. This year, the 21st edition will take place from the 3rd till the 6th of June 2014. Three […]

Erasmus Mundus Intact Seminar

Erasmus Mundus Intact adalah program beasiswa untuk mahasiswa dan peneliti di tingkat Sarjana, Master, Doctoral, Post-Doctoral. Bagi yang berminat dengan beasiswa dari Erasmus Mundus akan mengadakan Introduction Meeting pada: Hari/Tanggal   : Jum’at, 10 Januari 2014 Jam                      : 13.00 – 15.00 Tempat               : New Seminar Room, Prodi Fisika – FMIPA

MEROS Language School Japan Presentation

Meros Language School  offering various opportunities of communication. Well educated and experienced teachers lead the students under the various curriculums depending on their needs. Furthermore, Meros alsa has educational programs to help students to get used to Japanese society and habits in order to effectively accomplish their each purposes. Meros Language School with 3 big […]