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Call for nominations of candidates for the JUSST Exchange Study Program (UEC, Tokyo)

Call for nominations of candidates for the JUSST Exchange Study Program (UEC, Tokyo)

The University of Electro-Communications (UEC), Tokyo, Japan is now offering Japanese University Studies in Science & Technology (JUSST) to students at our sister universities outside Japan. It is a short-term Exchange Study Program for senior undergraduate students (3rd or 4th year students) and postgraduate students in the areas of Science, Engineering & Technology.

More information

Costs for JUSST Program

Tuition Fees & Scholarship

Tuition fees will be WAIVED, if you are enrolled as a Full-Time REGULAR student at a UEC partner university. However Exchange Students are required to write several reports during their study at UEC.

Exchange Students are eligible to apply for a scholarship at the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO), when you apply for the JUSST Exchange Study Program at UEC.

A limited number of Scholarships are available for partial support of your living costs during your study in the JUSST Program. Currently a successful student may be awarded of 80000 Japanese Yen* per month maximum up to 12months. Note that this scholarship is not sufficient to live in Tokyo. You need to bring your own money for extra support. Air-ticket will not be provided, you need to purchase the air-ticket at your own expenses.

Student Administration Fee and lnsurance

UEC does not charge administration fees, student union fee and other facility fees from JUSST Exchange students. However UEC has a special insurance policy (Remittance about 26000 Japanese Yen*) for your living protection. (The price reference is made at the time of April 2014. The price may vary in every year.)


  1. Official transcript (in English)
  2. Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  3. TOEFL or IELTS, with minimum score of: TOEFL 550, IELTS 6,5, iBT 100
  4. Motivation Letter

Please submit the requirements above to the International Relation Office ITB, Jalan Ganesha No. 17, Bandung due to 24 October 2016, at 14.00 WIB, for further selection process.