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The University of Sydney – INDONESIA OPEN DAYS 2022

The University of Sydney – INDONESIA OPEN DAYS 2022

The University of Sydney – INDONESIA OPEN DAYS 2022

As the interest of overseas study is increasing among the university students, The University of Sydney will hold its annual Open Day to welcome future students to get first-hand information and insights and assist them to plan their future studies at Australia’s first university.


A collage of a building

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Below are the details of the events:

Day/ Date           : Sunday, 30 Oct 2022
Time                    : 13.00 – 17.00 WIB

Venue                 : The Westin Jakarta
Schedule            : 12:30 WIB: Registration Open

  13:00 WIB: Admission 101 – Study at Australia’s 1st University

  14.00 WIB: Scholarship Information for Postgraduate Students

  15.00 WIB: Life in Sydney as International Student – Alumni Sharing Session

                               14.00 – 17.00 WIB: One-on-One Consultation session
Registration link: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/open-days-indonesia-jakarta-tickets-408551928817?aff=leads


 During the event, the attendees will be able to have a one-one consultation sessions regarding undergraduate programs (Bachelor), postgraduate programs (Master and PhD), and scholarship opportunities. They could also interact with our distinguished alumni who will share their experiences as international students living in Sydney.

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