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Monthly Archives: October 2022

MMU Matching Grant Application

Multimedia University (MMU) values the close relationship that has been established with your esteemed institution over the years. To further strengthen our partnership in research, Multimedia University (MMU) would like to invite ITB staff and students to participate in MMU matching grant application. The objective of this initiative is to match our researchers with overseas […]

Hiroshima University, Japan_5

1.[Admission to our Graduate School] Application Guidelines (April 2023 Admission) for our Graduate School (Special Selection for International Students [For Students Living Outside Japan]) has been released. We are looking for well-motivated and talented international students to further internationalize and strengthen our research capabilities. If you happen to know someone at your university or workplace […]

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS > USeP International Conference of Arts and Sciences (iCAS 2022)

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS > USeP International Conference of Arts and Sciences (iCAS 2022)

University of Southern Philippines (USeP), Philippines will be organising the International Conference on Arts and Sciences 2022 (iCAS 2022) on 16th & 17th November 2022 (Wednesday & Thursday), spearheaded by USeP College of Arts and Sciences. With the theme, “Inspiring Research, Innovation, Technology in New Normal Society,” this conference will feature paper presentations related to […]

Ernst Mach-Grant – ASEA-UNINET Call open!

We would like to inform you that the call for Ernst Mach-Grant – ASEA-UNINET scholarships for the academic year 2023/2024 is now open! The official scholarship announcement is published at the Austrian database for grants and scholarships at www.grants.at/en [https://grants.at/en/?=MzAwODNfMzE3MjZfMA==]. Applications are possible via the green “apply online” button provided in the announcement. The application deadline is 15th March 2023 (23:59 CET)! All submitted applications will […]

2023 Spring Semester Graduate School Admission Guidelines for International Students

We are pleased to inform you of 2023 Spring Semester Graduate School Admission Guidelines for International student.   Please see attached for further information and if there are any candidates interested in this program, please fill out online application through school webpage and send me one original application document through post and one scanned application document (except the letter of […]

Call for 2023 CCU/CoE International Internship Program

Call for 2023 CCU/CoE International Internship Program

As the pandemic eased, the Taiwan border control has been lifted since 13 Oct. 2022. Taiwan is now ready for international exchange. Thus, CCU once again conducts the yearly on-campus research internship program for international students. We are pleased to inform you the 2023 CCU/CoE International Internship Program is open for application. The program is […]

Irish Universities go to Bandung!

Irish Universities go to Bandung!

Tertarik untuk kuliah di negara asal band terkenal Westlife?😍 PTN Irlandia akan ke kota Bandung lho! Kami dari Education in Ireland, perwakilan resmi dari Pemerintah Irlandia yang bertanggung jawab untuk mempromosikan Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi dari Irlandia. Datang dan temui Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi Irlandia di kota Bandung! Mereka akan menjelaskan keunggulan program, kesempatan beasiswa, peluang karir […]