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Monthly Archives: December 2017

Short-term Summer Program 2018 (School of Science and Technology, Meiji University)

From 3rd July to 12th July 2018, School of Science and Technology, Meiji University offers a short-term program “Science and Technoilogy in Japan” for undergraduate students. In this program students can learn fundamentals of Japanese technology in the field of EE, ME, applied chemistry, and computer science. More information: http://www.meiji.ac.jp/sst/international/stj.html Student must be recommended by home […]

2018 Taiwan Tech Winter Camp

Objective: This camp allows participants to learn a bit of Taipei through its language and culture, visit to museum & community & company. The fee of this camp is sponsored by local government (including lunch, visits and accommodation). Participants are responsible for plane tickets, personal expenses, breakfast and dinner on their own. Duration: January 21st […]

Beasiswa Program Magister di Jepang dari Okazaki Kaheita Foundation Tahun Akademik 2018

Okazaki Kaheita Foundation menawarkan program beasiswa untuk mahasiswa/alumni Institut Teknologi Bandung untuk melanjutkan studi di universitas-universitas di Jepang dalam program magister (S2) tahun 2018. Syarat Peserta: Warga Negara Indonesia. Tinggal di Indonesia pada tanggal 1 April 2018 Lahir setelah tanggal 2 April 1994. Lulus program sarjana (S1) di ITB sebelum tanggal 31 Maret 2019 dan […]

[Kyushu University] Application to exchange programs for 2018-19 (Kyushu U)

Kyushu University Attached please find our information sheet and application form for Kyushu exchange programs. 【Kyushu University】 You will find details of necessary additional documents at page 6 of the attached application form. For exchange from October, 2018, by the deadline below. Application Deadline for JTW & JLCC*: January 12, 2018 Application Deadline for each […]

Open Call for Asian and European Students: 21st ASEF Summer University (ASEFSU21), Australia & New Zealand, 27 Jan – 10 Feb 2018

The ASEF Summer University (ASEFSU) is a 2-week experiential learning journey and “Interdisciplinary Innovathon” to foster cross-cultural exchanges and networks among the ASEM youth. ASEFSU takes place annually, each year tackling a different theme of socio-political concern within Asia and Europe. The project offers students and young professionals the unique opportunity to deepen their knowledge […]

Call for Applications – 2018 Kyoto University Amgen Scholars Program

Kyoto University is delighted to announce “2018 Kyoto University Amgen Scholars Program”, a summer undergraduate research program in science and biotechnology sponsored by Amgen Foundation. It is an eight-week program from June 12 to August 6, 2018. A brief description of Kyoto University Amgen Scholars Program is: – 20 slots will be offered to both […]

New international program at Tohoku University, Japan

The School of Engineering, Tohoku University, new English-taught Engineering Graduate Program for international students in 2018: International Robotics Program (IRP)(Master Degree, Doctoral Degree) The excellent students will be awarded Japanese government (MEXT) scholarship. The applications open now and the deadline is Jan, 19, 2018. Attached PDF is a flyer with most important information about this […]

Hokkaido University President’s Fellowship

Hokkaido University President’s Fellowship for 2018. Hokkaido University offers this scholarship to our inter-university partners with whom we seek to develop stronger ties, and I hope that we will get an eligible candidate from your university. Self-supported international students with excellent academic records as well as a strong interest in Hokkaido University and in Japanese […]