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Monthly Archives: October 2016

Application information for Double Degree Program Doctoral Course, April 2017

Application for Double Degree Program for Doctoral Course, April 2017 is now open. Please check the following website for more details; https://www.fast.kumamoto-u.ac.jp/gsst-en/admissions/#ddp Application deadline: November 4, 2016* *Please note that the applicants are requested to find a prospective supervisor in Kumamoto University before application. Requirements: Official transcript (in English) Curriculum Vitae (CV) TOEFL or IELTS, […]

Research Training with NTT Data

Keio University together with NTT Data Corporation are now calling for participants for short-term research opportunity with Research and Development Headquarters of NTT Data Corporation (Japan). Nowadays, traffic congestion has created a serious obstacle on economic growth around the world. This project aims to find out the innovative or suitable solution to solve traffic congestion issue, optimize […]

Kumamoto University 2017 Spring Program Call for Applications

We are pleased to inform you that we are now accepting applications for the Kumamoto University 2017 Spring Program. The program consists of Japanese language classes, Japanese studies, Japanese culture experience, and a study trip for undergraduate students from our partner universities. Please see the following link for information about the program. http://www.c3.kumamoto-u.ac.jp/en/2267 Participants who […]

(Kanazawa U) Application for KU Short-term Exchange Programs 2017- 2018

These programs are designed for students from the institutions that have an exchange agreement with Kanazawa University who intend to study at Kanazawa University for a period of more than six months up to one year. While remaining enrolled at their home institutions, they study in a non-degree program at Kanazawa University for the purpose […]

Scholarships offer for exchange students from École des mines de Nantes

Delegations from École des mines de Nantes will visit ITB to offer exchange possibilities with financial scholarships for first year of MSc students in Industrial and Nuclear Engineering. They will visit ITB on the following schedule: Day/Date: Monday, 31 October 2016 Time: 08.00 – 10.00 WIB Venue: Multimedia Room 9311, Labtek VI, ITB, Jalan Ganesha […]

Information Session: Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), Erasmus University, Rotterdam

Ms. Patricia Susanna, an alumni representative from Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), Erasmus University, will visit ITB to introduce IHS as a destination for studying Master and PhD in the Netherlands. She will also give information what background can apply for the program, how to apply and what scholarship is available for […]

Scholarships offer for exchange students from École des mines de Nantes

Title: Scholarships offer for exchange students from École des mines de Nantes Location: Multimedia Room 9311, Labtek VI, ITB, Jalan Ganesha No. 10, Bandung Link out: Click here Description: Delegations from École des mines de Nantes will visit ITB to offer exchange possibilities with financial scholarships for first year of MSc students in Industrial and […]

Information Session: Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), Erasmus University, Rotterdam

Title: Information Session: Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), Erasmus University, Rotterdam Location: Meeting Room A, International Relations Office, ITB, Jalan Ganesha No. 17, Bandung Link out: Click here Description: Ms. Patricia Susanna, an alumni representative from Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), Erasmus University, will visit ITB to introduce IHS […]

Oita University students exchange program for 2017/18 (IPOU,NIHO4)

Oita University Exchange Program for 2017/2018. Enrollment in April 2017. The Oita University Exchange Program comprises two separate programs (the Nihō Program and the IPOU Program); both programs are open to qualified students from our partner universities for either one or two semesters. International Program at Oita University (IPOU) Students who are interested in the […]