2015 Kumamoto University Summer Program in English – Call for Applications
Kumamoto University Summer Program in English will be held from July 23 to July 31, 2015.
The program will be conducted entirely in English, and consists of classroom lectures on Japanese life and culture, first-hand cultural learning experiences, and guided educational field trips to famous sites within Kumamoto prefecture. Please see the attachment Program Flyer for detailed information.
All participants may apply to receive an 80,000 Japanese Yen scholarship for their own personal use. To be eligible for the scholarship, students must have a GPA greater than or equal to 2.3 (according to the attached GPA Calculation worksheet), and not receive any other scholarships for this program which exceed 80,000 Japanese Yen.
The 60,000 yen program fee includes accommodation, class fees, field trip fees, and breakfast. It does not include the cost of transportation to or from Japan, the cost of transportation within Japan, or the cost of meals (other than breakfast) during the program.
Fee payments and scholarship awards will be conducted at Kumamoto University after the participants’ arrival in Japan.
- 【Form 1】Application
- 【Form 2】Letter of Recommendation
- Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- Academic transcript
- TOEFL or IELTS, with minimum score of: TOEFL 550, IELTS 6,5, iBT 80 (TOEFL prediction will not be considered)
Please submit the requirements above to the International Relation Office ITB, Jalan Ganesha No. 17, Bandung due to 29 May 2015, at 11.00 WIB, for further selection process.