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Monthly Archives: April 2014

TOTAL Scholarships Program

TOTAL E&P Indonesie offers two scholarship programs for ITB students, as follow: 1.    TOTAL Undergraduate Scholarship Scholarship will be given for students in 5th semester and 7th semester for one year of study, covering tuition fee. Requirements: a. 5th semester and 7th semester students with GPA of minimum 3.00 b. Majoring in: Petroleum Engineering, Mechanical […]

PARE Program Information Session

Hokkaido University invites graduate students of ITB to join the PARE (Populations Activities Resources Environments) Program 2014. Further information regarding the program will be presented on: Day/date: Monday, 21 April 2014 Time: 10.00 – 12.00 Venue: Meeting Room A, International Relation Office ITB Jalan Ganesha No. 17, Bandung For you who are interested to join […]

PARE Program Information Session

Title: PARE Program Information Session Location: Meeting Room A, International Relation Office ITB, Jalan Ganesha No. 17, Bandung Link out: Click here Description: Hokkaido University invites graduate students of ITB to join the PARE (Populations Activities Resources Environments) Program 2014. Further information regarding the program will be presented on: Day/date: Monday, 21 April 2014 Time: […]

Tokyo Tech-AYSEAS 2014

Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan) invites student of ITB to join the Asia Young Scientist and Engineer Advanced Study Program 2014 in Vietnam. This program will be held on 7 – 17 September, 2014. Participating students are responsible for the cost of their: 1) International airfare to and from Hanoi, Vietnam 2) Accommodation 3) Travel […]

Australia Award Scholarships

Pembukaan program beasiswa Australia Awards Scholarships adalah 1 Februari 2014 dan ditutup pada 18 Juli 2014. Formulir pendaftaran beasiswa Australia Awards Scholarships bisa diperoleh di berbagai institusi seperti Pusdiklat tiap departemen, Rektorat Universitas negeri dan Swasta, Kopertis, BUMN, Kantor Cabang IALF, kantor Australia Awards di Jakarta, atau dapat diunduh dari Website Australia Awards (http://australiaawardsindo.or.id/) Alamat […]

Kumamoto University Summer Program

Kumamoto University Summer Program 2014 will be held from July 28 to August 9,2014. The program consists of Japanese language classes, Japanese Studies, Japanese culture experience, and a study trip for undergraduate students from our partner universities. Please note that there is no scholarship for this program. Period : July 28 – August 9 Contents […]

Kochi University of Technology

Full Scholarship, 3-Year English-medium Ph.D. Program in Engineering. KUT’s Special Scholarship Program (SSP) offers full scholarships to doctoral students from overseas who study under specified research projects http://www.kochi-tech.ac.jp/kut_E/graduate/ssp_projects.html Time of Entrance: April & October Application Deadline: Mid-March & Mid-September Succesful candidates will earn the following privilages: exemption from tuition fees to support living expenses, 150.000 […]

FTU International Summer Program 2014

Foreign Trade University, Vietnam, offers summerprograms for international students every year. The programs have attracted a great number of students from worldwide. The purpose of the programs is to provide international students with knowledge about the economy of Vietnam, how to do business in Vietnam, and Vietnamese culture. There were 2-week and 3-week programs at […]