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Monthly Archives: October 2012

Tokyo Tech Seminar in ITB

Title: Tokyo Tech Seminar in ITB Location: Room 9311, Labtek VI, 1st floor, Jalan Ganesha No.10, Bandung Link out: Click here Description: Tokyo Tech (Tokyo Institute of Technology) Team will visit Institut Teknologi Bandung to introduce and explain various international programs to be offered to the students of ITB such as IGP, YSEP, JAYSES etc. […]

Tokyo Institute of Technology – Japanese Government Scholarships 2013

Tokyo Tech offers the following two programs to which graduate-level students can apply. Interested students can apply to either of these programs, but it is not possible to apply to both programs simultaneously. 1) Research Student Program -URL: http://www.iad.titech.ac.jp/intl_students/mext_application/application/rsp.html -Inquiries: International Student Exchange Division (tokyotech.mext@jim.titech.ac.jp) -Closing Date: November 22, 2012 For the Research Student Program, […]