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Monthly Archives: December 2011

Tokai University

Tokai University invites students of ITB to participate in the Short Term Study Abroad Programs for the period time of February 21 to 29, 2012. The title of the program is “Risk Management for the 21th Century: What We Can Learn From the Great East Japan Earthquake” For Engineering students: Japanese Cutting edge Technology: Prevention […]

Tohoku University

Tohoku University invites student of ITB to participate at the following student exchange programs: 1. Junior Year Program in English (JYPE) The main purpose of this program is to offer an opportunity for overseas undergraduate students to take science, engineering, and agricultural course at Tohoku University, without having to attain the Japanese language proficiency that […]

ASCENT 2012 (Asian Students Collaboration Encouragement Program in Technology 2012)

Student Association for Global Exchange (SAGE) in Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan invite students of ITB to participate the exchange program called ASCENT 2012 (Asian Students Collaboration Encouragement Program in Technology 2012). This program give opportunities to the selected students from Institut Teknologi Bandung and Chulalongkorn University to visit Tokyo Tech and visit various types […]

National Taiwan University (NTU)

National Taiwan University (NTU) mengajak mahasiswa ITB untuk bergabung dalam Program Pascasarjana Mahasiswa Internasional di NTU dengan beasiswa Taiwan Scholarship dan beasiswa lain yang disediakan oleh NTU. Informasi lebih lanjut mengenai beasiswa dapat dilihat di http://www.oia.ntu.edu.tw/oia/index.php/doc/view/sn/48/block/108/lang/en sedangkan informasi mengenai program ini dapat dilihat di http://www.oia.ntu.edu.tw/oia/index.php/doc/view/sn/55/lang/en Berkas pendaftaran dikirimkan ke NTU sebelum bulan Maret 2012.

CIUF – CUD 2012-2013

CIUF (Conseil Interuniversitaire de la Communaute francaise de Belgique) – CUD (Commission Universitaire pour le Development) memberikan tawaran Beasiswa Program Internasional dan Program pelatihan yaitu 150 beasiswa International Course dan 70 beasiswa training program untuk tahun ajaran 2012-2013 di perguruan-perguruan tinggi berbahasa Perancis di Belgia yang tergabung dalam CIUF. Persyaratan: 1. Pada saat dimulainya program, […]

Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion (MESC)

After you complete your BS degree in Physics, Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Metallurgy, Materials Science, Electrochemistry, or other Energy related feels, consider applying for the European Master Course, Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion (MESC). Designated as an Erasmus Mundus program by the European Commission, this two year highly prestigious Master program provides an […]